Operations Manager

Mary Kate Doyle

MK makes sure the team has what it needs to GO, whether it's stocking the office with coffee or being a sounding board for leadership. When she isn’t planning happy hours, she is managing internal marketing efforts, collaborating to create vibrant social media and blog campaigns.

  • Spent five weeks thumbing it across Alaska and the Yukon territory, only sleeping indoors on a few evenings in her twenties
  • Loves working out and beer in equal parts; in addition to working at GO, she owns a bootcamp gym and has ownership in the best brewery in CT
  • Can parallel park better than anyone - anyone!
What does “Doing Good Work” mean to you?
Coming to the table with fresh eyes and an open mind. Being ready and excited to hear a better idea from someone else in the room and turning those conversations into a product we can collectively be proud of. quote